My ballot for the DPL 2007 voting

Everyone is posting their votes on Planet Debian, as if lots of Debian Developers vote by copying and pasting random votes from their web browsers.

I wondered for a minute how come on Planet Debian we tend to see the weirdest votes ever; but then I thought: if one has a perfectly normal, sane vote to vote, why blog about it?

Is this a competition for the weirdest vote?

I want to play.

$ polygen dpl2007.grm
- - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[ 8 ] Choice 1: Fnord
[ 2 ] Choice 2: Aigars Mahinovs
[ 5 ] Choice 3: Gustavo Franco
[ 4 ] Choice 4: Sam Hocevar
[ 4 ] Choice 5: Steve McIntyre
[ 2 ] Choice 6: Raphaël Hertzog
[ 7 ] Choice 7: Anthony Towns
[ 1 ] Choice 8: Simon Richter
[ 7 ] Choice 9: None Of The Above
- - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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