I've got some gpsdrive tracks and my area is blank on openstreetmap.
People pointed me at gpsbabel, and it took me a while to figure how it works. For the record, don't do any of this:
gpsbabel -i gpsdrive -o gpx -f track0000.sav -F track0000.gpx
gpsbabel -i gpsdrive -o gpx track0000.sav track0000.gpx
What you would have to do is this:
gpsbabel -i gpsdrive -f track0000.sav -o gpx -F track0000.gpx
However, it would choke on gpsdrive's "missing" points with all values set to 1001. You can grep them out, then gpsbabel would work, but openstreetmap would reject the data because the points have no timestamp: gpsbabel won't carry that on from the gpsdrive tracks to the GPX tracks.
The way to go is here, which contains a link to a tiny little perl script that will do the proper conversion for you:
./gpsdrive2gpx.pl track0000.sav > track0000.gpx
Those you can upload them to openstreetmap, at last.