Simple tool to query the GPS using the OpenMoko FSO stack

I was missing a simple command line tool that allows me to perform basic GPS queries in shellscripts.

Enter getgps:

# getgps --help
Usage: getgps [options]

Simple GPS query tool for the FSO stack

  --version          show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose      verbose mode
  -q, --quiet        suppress normal output
  --fix              check if we have a fix
  -s, --sync-time    set system time from GPS time
  --info             get all GPS information
  --info-connection  get GPS connection information
  --info-fix         get GPS fix information
  --info-position    get GPS position information
  --info-accuracy    get GPS accuracy information
  --info-course      get GPS course information
  --info-time        get GPS time information
  --info-satellite   get GPS satellite information

So finally I can write little GPS-aware scripts:

if getgps --fix -q

Or this.