Friday evening (2013-08-09) I'll arrive at Debcamp.
Here is my TODO list for Debcamp and Debconf:
- Debtags
- Discuss disbanding the debtags-devel mailing list, possibly merging it into debian-project.
- Recruit debtags tag reviewers now that there's a new tag review interface.
- Find ways of having DDs moderate their own tags.
- Comaintainers for
- Tags in debian/control, try to implement the plan discussed with ftp-masters long ago.
- Make a new package debtags-data, dependency of debtags, so that there can be frequent releases of debtags-data as a binary-indep package.
- NM
- Debian Contributors (addressing this issue).
- Recruit new FD/DAM members.
- Cleanup NM files and repositories, removing all the obsolete stuff.
- Sync procedures with keyring-maint and DSA, to reduce or remove the need of manual maintenance to keep, the keyring and LDAP in sync.
- Marketing analysis and NM interaction (ask me about it in person, preferably when drunk).
- I fail at handling returning DDs: that needs fixing. There should be an interface in for people returning from emeritus.
- How to stop bounce loops in nm alias addresses and still receive legitimate bounces. Alternatively, find a way to prevent germans from configuring their own mail servers :P
- Cleanup and consolidate NM documentation.
- Scale NM documentation down to "I want to help Debian, what should I do?" or at least point to the appropriate place that can handle that need.
- Packages and services
- Consolidate mailing list: what am I doing as a moderator of pkg-python and pkg-italian?
- Consolidate services: what am I maintaning? What is really needed? Luckily there's a list.
- Consolidate packages: find comaintainers for the important ones, reduce dependencies
- How to deal with bugs from team Mayhem (#715997...#716001): can we define a package as "needs to be run in a controlled environment"?