Latest posts of series Custom build of Qt5

Hetzner build machine

This is part of a series of posts on compiling a custom version of Qt5 in order to develop for both amd64 and a Raspberry Pi.

Building Qt5 takes a long time. The build server I was using had CPUs and RAM, but was very slow on I/O. I was very frustrated by that, and I started evaluating alternatives. I ended up setting up scripts to automatically provision a throwaway cloud server at Hetzner.

Initial setup

I got an API key from my customer's Hetzner account.

I installed hcloud-cli, currently only in testing and unstable:

apt install hcloud-cli

Then I configured hcloud with the API key:

hcloud context create

Spin up

I wrote a quick and dirty script to spin up a new machine, which grew a bit with little tweaks:


# Create the server
hcloud server create --name buildqt --ssh-key  --start-after-create \
                     --type cpx51 --image debian-10 --datacenter # Query server IP
IP="$(hcloud server describe buildqt -o json | jq -r .public_net.ipv4.ip)"

# Update ansible host file
echo "buildqt ansible_user=root ansible_host=$IP" > hosts

# Remove old host key
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -R "$IP"

# Update login script
echo "#!/bin/sh" > login
echo "ssh root@$IP" >> login
chmod 0755 login

I picked a datacenter in the same location as where we have other servers, to get quicker data transfers.

I like that CLI tools have JSON output that I can cleanly pick at with jq. Sadly, my ISP doesn't do IPv6 yet.

Since the server just got regenerated, I remove a possibly cached host key.

Provisioning the machine

One git server I need is behind HTTP authentication. Here's a quick hack to pass the relevant .netrc credentials to ansible before provisioning:


import subprocess
import netrc
import tempfile
import json

login, account, password = netrc.netrc().authenticators("…")

with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wt", suffix=".json") as fd:
        "repo_user": login,
        "repo_password": password,
    }, fd)
        "-i", "hosts",
        "-l", "buildqt",
        "--extra-vars", f"@{}",
        ], check=True)

And here's the ansible playbook:

#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook

- name: Install and configure buildqt
  hosts: all
   - name: Update apt cache
        update_cache: yes
        cache_valid_time: 86400

   - name: Create build user
        name: build
        comment: QT5 Build User
        shell: /bin/bash

   - name: Create sources directory
     become: yes
     become_user: build
        path: ~/sources
        state: directory
        mode: 0755

   - name: Download sources
     become: yes
     become_user: build
        url: "https://…/{{item}}"
        dest: "~/sources/{{item}}"
        mode: 0644
      - "qt-everywhere-src-5.15.1.tar.xz"
      - "qt-creator-enterprise-src-4.13.2.tar.gz"

   - name: Populate home directory
     become: yes
     become_user: build
        src: build
        dest: ~/
        mode: preserve

   - name: Write .netrc
     become: yes
     become_user: build
        dest: ~/.netrc
        mode: 0600
        content: |
           machine …
           login {{repo_user}}
           password {{repo_password}}

   - name: Write .screenrc
     become: yes
     become_user: build
        dest: ~/.screenrc
        mode: 0644
        content: |
           hardstatus alwayslastline
           hardstatus string '%{= cw}%-Lw%{= KW}%50>%n%f* %t%{= cw}%+Lw%< %{= kK}%-=%D %Y-%m-%d %c%{-}'
           startup_message off
           defutf8 on
           defscrollback 10240

   - name: Install base packages
        name: git,mc,ncdu,neovim,eatmydata,devscripts,equivs,screen
        state: present

   - name: Clone git repo
     become: yes
     become_user: build
        repo: https://…@…/….git
        dest: ~/…

   - name: Copy Qt license
     become: yes
     become_user: build
        src: qt-license.txt
        dest: ~/.qt-license
        mode: 0600

Now everything is ready for a 16 core, 32Gb ram build on SSD storage.

Tear down

When done:

hcloud server delete buildqt

The whole spin up plus provisioning takes around a minute, so I can do it when I start a work day, and take it down at the end. The build machine wasn't that expensive to begin with, and this way it will even be billed by the hour.

A first try on a CPX51 machine has just built the full Qt5 Everywhere Enterprise including QtWebEngine and all its frills, for amd64, in under 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Building and packaging a sysroot

This is part of a series of posts on compiling a custom version of Qt5 in order to develop for both amd64 and a Raspberry Pi.

After having had some success with a sysroot in having a Qt5 cross-build environment that includes QtWebEngine, the next step is packaging the sysroot so it can be available both to build the cross-build environment, and to do cross-development with it.

The result is this Debian source package which takes a Raspberry Pi OS disk image, provisions it in-place, extracts its contents, and packages them.

Yes. You may want to reread the last paragraph.

It works directly in the disk image to avoid a nasty filesystem issue on emulated 32bit Linux over a 64bit mounted filesystem.

This feels like the most surreal Debian package I've ever created, and this saga looks like one of the hairiest yaks I've ever shaved.

Integrating this monster codebase, full of bundled code and hacks, into a streamlined production and deployment system has been for me a full stack nightmare, and I have a renewed and growing respect for the people in the Qt/KDE team in Debian, who manage to stay on top of this mess, so that it all just works when we need it.

Build Qt5 cross-builder with raspbian sysroot: compiling with the sysroot (continued)

Lite extra ball, from
Lite extra ball, from

This is part of a series of posts on compiling a custom version of Qt5 in order to develop for both amd64 and a Raspberry Pi.

The previous rounds of attempts ended in one issue too many to investigate in the allocated hourly budget.

Andreas Gruber wrote:

Long story short, a fast solution for the issue with EGLSetBlobFuncANDROID is to remove libraspberrypi-dev from your sysroot and do a full rebuild. There will be some changes to the configure results, so please review them - if they are relevant for you - before proceeding with your work.

That got me unstuck! dpkg --purge libraspberrypi-dev in the sysroot, and we're back in the game.

While Qt5's build has proven extremely fragile, I was surprised that some customization from Raspberry Pi hadn't yet broken something. In the end, they didn't disappoint.

More i386 issues

The run now stops with a new 32bit issue related to v8 snapshots:

qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0/qtwebengine/src/core/release$ /usr/bin/g++ -pie -Wl,--fatal-warnings -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -fPIC -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,defs -Wl,--as-needed -m32 -pie -Wl,--disable-new-dtags -Wl,-O2 -Wl,--gc-sections -o "v8_snapshot/mksnapshot" -Wl,--start-group @"v8_snapshot/mksnapshot.rsp"  -Wl,--end-group  -ldl -lpthread -lrt -lz
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible //usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ when searching for -lz
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible //usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.a when searching for -lz
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Attempted solution: apt install zlib1g-dev:i386.

Alternative solution (untried): configure Qt5 with -no-webengine-v8-snapshot.

It builds!

Installation paths

Now it tries to install files into debian/tmp/home/build/sysroot/opt/qt5custom-armhf/.

I realise that I now need to package the sysroot itself, both as a build-dependency of the Qt5 cross-compiler, and as a runtime dependency of the built cross-builder.


The current work in progress, patches, and all, is at

It blows my mind how ridiculously broken is the Qt5 cross-compiler build, for a use case that, looking at how many people are trying, seems to be one of the main ones for the cross-builder.

Build Qt5 cross-builder with raspbian sysroot: compiling with the sysroot

Whack-A-Mole machines from <>
Whack-A-Mole machines from <>

This is part of a series of posts on compiling a custom version of Qt5 in order to develop for both amd64 and a Raspberry Pi.

Now that I have a sysroot, I try to use it to build Qt5 with QtWebEngine.

Nothing seems to work straightforwardly with Qt5's build system, and hit an endless series of significant blockers to try and work around.

(continue reading)

Build Qt5 cross-builder with raspbian sysroot: building the sysroot

This is part of a series of posts on compiling a custom version of Qt5 in order to develop for both amd64 and a Raspberry Pi.

As an attempt to get webview to compile, I'm reattempting to build a Qt5 cross-compiling environment using a raspbian sysroot, instead of having dependencies for both arm and amd64 installed in the build system.

Using dependencies installed in a straightforward way in the build system has failed because of issues like #963136, where some of the build dependencies are needed for both architectures, but the corresponding Debian -dev packages are not yet coinstallable.

This is something that causes many people much pain.

(continue reading)

Missing Qt5 designer library in cross-build development

This is part of a series of posts on compiling a custom version of Qt5 in order to develop for both amd64 and a Raspberry Pi.

The problem

While testing the cross-compiler, we noticed that the designer library was not being built.

The designer library is needed to build designer plugins, which allow loading, dynamically at runtime, .ui interface files that use custom widgets.

The error the customer got at runtime is: QFormBuilder was unable to create a custom widget of the class '…'; defaulting to base class 'QWidget'.

The library with the custom widget implementation was correctly linked, and indeed the same custom widget was used by the application in other parts of its interface not loaded via .ui files.

It turns out that it is not sufficient, and to load custom widgets automatically, QUiLoader wants to read their metadata from plugin libraries containing objects that implement the QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface interface.

Sadly, building such a library requires using QT += designer, and the designer library, that was not being built by Qt5's build system. This looks very much like a Qt5 bug.

A work around would be to subclass QUiLoader extending createWidget to teach it how to create the custom widgets we need. Unfortunately, the customer has many custom widgets.

The investigation

To find out why designer was not being built, I added -d to the qmake invocation at the end of qtbase/configure, and trawled through the 3.1G build output.

The needle in the haystack seems to be here:

DEBUG 1: /home/build/armhf/qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0/qttools/src/designer/src/ SUBDIRS := uiplugin uitools lib components designer plugins
DEBUG 1: /home/build/armhf/qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0/qttools/src/designer/src/ calling qtNomakeTools(lib components designer plugins)

As far as I can understand, qtNomakeTools seems to be intended to disable building those components if QT_BUILD_PARTS doesn't contain tools. For cross-building, QT_BUILD_PARTS is libs examples, so designer does not get built.

However, designer contains the library part needed for QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface and that really needs to be built. I assume that part should really be built as part of libs, not tools.

The fixes/workarounds

I tried removing designer from the qtNomakeTools invocation at qttools/src/designer/src/, to see if qttools/src/designer/src/designer/ would get built.

It did get built, but then build failed with designer/src/designer and designer/src/uitools both claiming the designer plugin.

I tried editing qttools/src/designer/src/uitools/ not to claim the designer plugin when tools is not a build part.

I added the tweaks to the Qt5 build system as debian/patches.

2 hours of build time later...

make check is broken:

make[6]: Leaving directory '/home/build/armhf/qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0/qttools/src/designer/src/uitools'
make[5]: *** No rule to make target 'sub-components-check', needed by 'sub-designer-check'.  Stop.

But since make check doesn't do anything in this build, we can simply override dh_auto_test to skip that step.

Finally, this patch builds a new executable, of an architecture that makes dh_shlibdeps struggle:

dpkg-shlibdeps: error: cannot find library needed by debian/qtbase5system-armhf-dev/opt/qt5system-armhf/bin/designer (ELF format: 'elf32-little' abi: '0101002800000000'; RPATH: '')
dpkg-shlibdeps: error: cannot find library needed by debian/qtbase5system-armhf-dev/opt/qt5system-armhf/bin/designer (ELF format: 'elf32-little' abi: '0101002800000000'; RPATH: '')

And we can just skip running dh_shlibdeps on the designer executable.

The result is in the qt5custom git repository.

Qt5 custom build of Qt Creator

This is part of a series of posts on compiling a custom version of Qt5 in order to develop for both amd64 and a Raspberry Pi.

These are instructions for building Qt Creator with the custom Qt, so that it can load and use Designer plugins built with it.

Sadly, because of the requirement of being able to load Designer plugins, and because of the requirement of being able to compile custom widgets using the custom Qt and use them in the Designer, we need to also rebuild Qt Creator.

The resulting packaging is at

Set up sources

Open the source tarball, and add the Qt Creator packaging:

tar axf qt-creator-enterprise-src-4.12.2.tar.xz
cp -a debian-qtcreator qt-creator-enterprise-src-4.12.2/debian
ln -s qt-creator-enterprise-src-4.12.2.tar.xz qt-creator-enterprise-src_4.12.2.orig.tar.xz

If needed, install the Qt license:

cp qt-license.txt ~/.qt-license

Install build dependencies

You can use apt build-dep to install dependencies manually:

cd qt-creator-enterprise-src-4.12.2
apt build-dep .

Alternatively, you can create an installable .deb metapackage that depends on the build dependencies:

apt install devscripts
mk-build-deps debian-qtcreator/control
apt -f install qt-creator-enterprise-src-build-deps_4.12.2-1_all.deb

Package build

The package is built by debian/rules base on the excellent work done by Debian Qt5 maintainers.

After installing the build dependencies, you can build like this:

cd qt-creator-enterprise-src-4.12.2
debuild -us -uc -rfakeroot

In debian/rules you can configure NUMJOBS with the number of available CPUs in the machine, to have parallel builds.

debian/rules automatically picks qt5custom as the Qt version to use for the build.

NOTE: Qt Creator 4.12.2 will NOT build if qtbase5custom-armhf-dev is installed. One needs to make sure to have qtbase5custom-dev installed, but NOT qtbase5custom-armhf-dev. Despite quite a bit of investigation, I have been unable to understand why, if both are installed, Qt Creator's build chooses the wrong one, and fails the build.

Build output

Building sources generates 4 packages:

  • qtcreator-qt5custom: the program
  • qtcreator-qt5custom-data: program data
  • qtcreator-qt5custom-doc: documentation
  • qtcreator-qt5custom-dbgsym: debugging symbols

Using the custom Qt Creator Enterprise

The packages are built with qt5custom and install their content in /opt/qt5custom.

The packages are coinstallable with the version of Qt Creator packaged in Debian.

The custom Qt Creator executable is installed in /opt/qt5custom/bin/qtcreator, which is not in $PATH by default. To run it, you can explitly use /opt/qt5custom/bin/qtcreator. qtcreator ran without an explicit path, runs the standard Debian version.

Installing Designer plugins

Designer plugings can be compiled with qt5custom and installed in /opt/qt5custom/plugins/designer/.

Cross-building with Qt Creator

Once the cross-build Qt5 packages are installed, one should see it appear in the Qt Creator kit configuration, where it can be selected and used normally.

If one sets device type to "Generic Linux Device", chooses a compiler for "arm 32bit" and sets Qt Version to "qt5custom-armhf", one can smoothly cross-compile and execute and debug the built program directly on the device.

Qt5 custom build for armhf embedded development

This is part of a series of posts on compiling a custom version of Qt5 in order to develop for both amd64 and a Raspberry Pi.

I split building Qt5 for armhf development in two parts: one cross-build environment to be installed on amd64 develpment systems, and a runtime part to be installed on the target armhf hardware.

Building a Qt5 cross-building environment builds a mix of armhf and amd64 binares: the amd64 tools to use for cross-building, like moc, qmake, plugins for Qt Creator, and so on; armhf headers and libraries to use at cross-build time; armhf shared libraries to use at runtime.

The procedure I came up with builds a devel package for amd64 development machines, which contains everything, and a second package that extracts from it only what is needed at runtime.

The cross-build environment is coinstallable both with the version of Qt distributed with Debian, and with the amd64 custom Qt development package.

The current build is sadly using -skip qtwebengine, because I have had no success so far getting QtWebEngine to compile as part of a cross-build Qt setup (the last road bump I can't overcome is nss and nspr not being coinstallable on amd64 and armhf, while both seem to be needed for it).

The resulting packaging is at

Set up sources

Open the source tarball, and add the amd64 packaging:

tar axf qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0.tar.xz
cp -a debian-cross qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0/debian

If needed, install the Qt license:

cp qt-license.txt ~/.qt-license

If debugging information are not needed in armhf development, remove --no-strip from ./configure invocation in the rules file, to build significantly smaller .deb packages.

Install build dependencies

Install cross-compilers:

dpkg --add-architecture armhf
apt install crossbuild-essential-armhf

You can use apt build-dep to install dependencies manually:

cd qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0
apt build-dep .
apt -a armhf build-dep .

Alternatively, you can create installable .deb metapackages that depends on the build dependencies:

apt install devscripts
mk-build-deps --host-arch amd64 debian-cross/control
mk-build-deps --host-arch armhf debian-cross/control
apt -f install qt-everywhere-cross-build-deps_5.15.0-1_amd64.deb qt-everywhere-cross-cross-build-deps_5.15.0-1_armhf.deb

Note that there are two sets of dependencies: one of amd64 packages, and one of armhf packages.

Building the cross-build environment

After installing the build dependencies, you can build like this:

cd qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0
fakeroot debian/rules binary

In debian/rules you can configure NUMJOBS with the number of available CPUs in the machine, to have parallel builds.

This will build a package with the cross-build development environment for amd64, called qtbase5custom-armhf-dev

Building the runtime environment

To generate the runtime package for armhf, one needs to have the cross-build package (qtbase5custom-armhf-dev) installed in the system together with its build dependencies.

At that point, the armhf runtime package can be built using the debian-armhf directory without further sources:

apt install crossbuild-essential-armhf debhelper qtbase5custom-armhf-dev*_amd64.deb qt-everywhere-src-cross-build-deps*_armhf.deb
mkdir runtime
cp -a debian-armhf runtime/debian
cd runtime
dpkg-buildpackage -a armhf

Building the runtime environment generates:

  • a libqt5custom package for armhf, installable on the target devices, containing the runtime Qt libraries and depending on the packages that they need to run;
  • a libqt5custom-dbgym package for armhf with debugging symbols, to use for debugging on the target hardware.

If, while generating the cross-build environment, --no-strip was removed, the libqtcustom-dbgsym package with debugging symbols will not be generated.

Using the cross-build environment

These install their content in /opt, and are coninstallable with the version of Qt distributed in Debian, and with the custom Qt packages for amd64.

One needs to be careful not to create programs that link, either directly or indirectly, with more than one of these coinstalled Qt, because the in memory layout of objects could be different and incompatible, causing unexpected results.

Selecting which Qt version to use: qtchooser

These Qt custom packages integrate with qtchooser to select the version of Qt to use at compile time.

qtchooser --list-versions lists available versions. One can choose what to use by exporting QT_SELECT:

# apt install qtchooser qt5-qmake qt5-default
$ qtchooser --list-versions

$ qmake --version
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.11.3 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

$ export QT_SELECT=qt5custom-armhf
$ qmake --version
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.15.0 in /opt/qt5custom-armhf/lib

Cross-building software using custom Qt

One just needs to export QT_SELECT=qt5custom-armhf in the environment, then proceed to build normally:

export QT_SELECT=qt5custom-armhf
fakeroot ./debian/rules clean binary


export QT_SELECT=qt5custom-armhf

If switching from one Qt to another, it is possible that the makefiles created by one qmake are not working well with the other. In that case, one can just remove them and regenerate them.

The build result is ready to be copied into, and run in, the target armhf device.

Custom build of Qt5

This is part of a series of posts on compiling a custom version of Qt5 in order to develop for both amd64 and a Raspberry Pi.

A customer needs a procedure for a custom build of Qt5 5.15, the last LTS release of Qt 5.

They develop for industrial systems that are managed by an amd64 industrial computer. This computer is accessed either through an attached panel touch screen, or through touch screens driven by Raspberry Pi clients connected via an internal ethernet network.

The control interfaces use mostly a full screen Qt5 application. The customer relies heavily on Qt5, has a full Enterprise license, and needs to stay on top of the most recent releases, to make use of new features or bug fixes that have made it upstream since the last Debian stable was released.

This is a list of requirements for this job:

  • Build .deb packages of the custom builds of Qt5, so they can be integrated with the existing provisioning infrastructure
  • Easily repackage hopefully at least new Qt minor versions
  • Custom builds should be coinstallable with the standard Debian Qt5 packages, to be able to use existing Qt-based Debian packages without rebuilding them
  • One needs to be able to develop custom widgets, and use them in the Form Editor in Qt Creator
  • One needs to be able to load custom widgets via .ui files at runtime
  • One needs to develop amd64 Qt5 applications
  • One needs to develop armhf Qt5 applications
  • One needs to develop armhf Qt5 applications from Qt Creator, with the nice feature it has to cross-compile them on the fast amd64 development machine, and run and debug them directly on a network-connected device
  • One needs to package the resulting amd64 or armhf binaries in .deb format, so they can be integrated with the existing provisioning infrastructure.

To make things easier, .deb packages are for internal use only and do not need to be compliant with Debian policy.

I estimate a difficulty level of: "Bring the One Ring to Mount Doom and remember to get milk on the way back".

The journey begins.

The resulting packaging is at

Qt5 custom build for amd64

This is part of a series of posts on compiling a custom version of Qt5 in order to develop for both amd64 and a Raspberry Pi.

First step, build Qt5 5.15 packages for amd64.

To prevent conflicting with Debian Qt packages, we'll install everything in /opt.

We can install qtchooser configuration files to allow developers to easily switch between Debian's standard Qt version or the custom version, at will.

The resulting packaging is at

Set up sources

Open the source tarball, and add the amd64 packaging:

tar axf qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0.tar.xz
cp -a debian-amd64 qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0/debian

If needed, install the Qt license:

cp qt-license.txt ~/.qt-license

Install build dependencies

You can use apt build-dep to install dependencies manually:

cd qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0
apt build-dep .

Alternatively, you can create an installable .deb metapackage that depends on the build dependencies:

apt install devscripts
mk-build-deps debian-amd64/control
apt -f install qt-everywhere-src-build-deps_5.15.0-1_amd64.deb

Package build

The package is built by debian/rules base on the excellent work done by Debian Qt5 maintainers

After installing the build dependencies, you can build like this:

cd qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0
fakeroot debian/rules binary

In debian/rules you can configure NUMJOBS with the number of available CPUs in the machine, to have parallel builds.

Build output

Building sources generates 4 packages:

  • libqt5custom: the runtime environment
  • libqt5custom-dbgsym: debugging symbols for the runtime environment
  • qtbase5custom-dev: the build environment
  • qtbase5custom-dev-dbgsym: debugging symbols for the build environment

qtbase5custom-dev and libqt5custom are needed for development; only libqt5custom is needed to run build programs.

Using custom Qt for amd64

These Qt custom packages install their content in /opt, and are coninstallable with the version of Qt distributed in Debian.

One needs to be careful not to create programs that link, either directly or indirectly, with both the Debian Qt and the custom Qt, because the in memory layout of objects could be different and incompatible, causing unexpected results.

Selecting which Qt version to use: qtchooser

These Qt custom packages integrate with qtchooser to select the version of Qt to use at compile time.

qtchooser --list-versions lists available versions. One can choose what to use by exporting QT_SELECT:

# apt install qtchooser qt5-qmake qt5-default
$ qtchooser --list-versions

$ qmake --version
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.11.3 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

$ export QT_SELECT=qt5custom
$ qmake --version
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.15.0 in /opt/qt5custom/lib

Building software using custom Qt

One just needs to export QT_SELECT=qt5custom in the environment, then proceed to build normally:

export QT_SELECT=qt5custom
fakeroot ./debian/rules clean binary


export QT_SELECT=qt5custom

If switching from one Qt to another, it is possible that the makefiles created by one qmake are not working well with the other. In that case, one can just remove them and regenerate them.

© 2020 Enrico Zini. Generated with staticsite on 2025-03-12 02:00 CET.