Archive of posts for tag talk
- 2023-11-28 - Introducing Debusine
- 2023-09-11 - Adulting
- 2022-07-20 - Deconstruction of the DAM hat
- 2020-08-23 - Doing things /together/
- 2018-08-03 - Multiple people
- 2017-08-13 - Consensually doing things together?
- 2015-08-18 - My semi serious stand up comedy notes
- 2013-10-27 - Debian Contributors - Un nuovo prestigioso titolo di cui fregiarsi con gli amici
- 2013-08-16 - Debian Contributors - A revolution in Debian project headwear fashion
- 2013-08-11 - Nobody expects Debian Contributors!
- 2012-11-17 - La relazione tra Ubuntu e Debian, e come si fa a entrare in Debian
- 2012-02-05 - reloaded!
- 2012-02-04 - I wrote Distromatch, shall we use it?
- 2011-10-22 - La vita in Debian
- 2011-07-28 - Build your own modern app installer
- 2011-07-25 - Life in Debian
- 2011-01-02 - KaLUG mapping party
- 2010-10-30 - High level package search interfaces
- 2010-10-23 - cfget - Piccole soluzioni per grandi problemi
- 2009-11-03 - Soluzioni avanzate per il cazzeggio: Polygen!
- 2009-10-24 - Introduzione al Software Libero
- 2009-07-24 - ¿Por qué contribuir a Debian?
- 2009-02-07 - Debian Data Export - A standard for publishing Debian information
- 2008-09-24 - Debian Diversity Showcase
- 2008-02-23 - apt-xapian-index - Everything You Always Wanted to Index About Debian Packages, But were Afraid to Ask
- 2007-09-22 - La mia vita con il software libero
- 2007-06-21 - Debtags is ready - How to add Debtags to your everyday Debian work
- 2007-02-25 - Secret Debian Internals
- 2006-11-10 - Understanding serious Debian deployments
- 2006-10-28 - La mia vita con il software libero
- 2006-10-19 - Customising Debian - Working with the Greater Debian world
- 2006-09-16 - Debtags, dare un senso a 20000 pacchetti
- 2006-07-28 - Autoconf, Satana, Automake e il Chinotto - Introduzione agli autotools
- 2006-07-06 - Customizing Debian
- 2006-05-16 - The Debian Community Guidelines -- Or, how to be able to plan total world domination with a public discussion in debian-devel.
- 2006-05-14 - Advanced ways of wasting time
- 2006-05-13 - Mi vida con el Software Libre
- 2006-05-05 - Debtags, and what you can do with it today
- 2006-02-25 - Debtags, and what you can do with it today
- 2005-12-31 - Introduction to the Autotools
- 2005-12-27 - Introduction to the Autotools
- 2005-12-21 - Free Software around the world
- 2005-11-06 - Strumenti avanzati per il cazzeggio
- 2005-09-30 - El Zen y el Arte del Software Libre: Conoce a los Usuarios, Conócete a Ti Mismo
- 2005-09-28 - Otra Manera de Pensar el Software
- 2005-07-14 - Zen and the art of Free Software: know your user, know yourself
- 2005-07-10 - A cute introduction to Debtags - The best way of knowing what's in Debian without being ftpmaster
- 2005-06-23 - Custom Debian Distributions - Current and future
- 2005-05-05 - A smart way of customizing Free Software - The example of Custom Debian distributions
- 2005-04-19 - Blog e strumenti collaborativi
- 2005-01-11 - How to customize Free Software? The Custom Debian approach
- 2005-01-04 - Another way of thinking software
- 2004-12-20 - How to customize Free Software? The Custom Debian approach, and some possibilities in large-scale computing
- 2004-12-19 - Free Software in Schools
- 2004-11-27 - Debian per il Non Profit -- Un esempio di Custom Debian, che a sua volta è un sistema per la Dominazione Totale Mondiale (sebbene non termonucleare, perché io sono molto pace e amore)
- 2004-11-05 - Distribuçois Personalizadas Debian -- Um sistema para dominação total mundial
- 2004-09-25 - Custom Debian Distributions and Non Profit Organizations
- 2004-06-24 - Zen and the art of Free Software: know your user, know yourself
- 2004-06-23 - Information Society can be Great, and Free Software is Showing the Way!
- 2004-05-31 - Custom Debian Distributions are the last, ultimate step towards Total World Domination
- 2003-12-02 - Nuove forme di creatività - Come l'informazione digitale prende pieghe inaspettate
- 2003-11-29 - Custom Debian - Cosa sono, perché esistono, quali sono, progetti per il futuro
- 2003-10-24 - Libre software and Debian-NP: Creating a better world for people who create a better world so that they can better create a better world
- 2003-10-10 - Come se niente fosse - Piccolo studio di una rivoluzione silenziosa
- 2003-07-20 - Usability in Debian - The uniqueness of Debian (and of the problems that arise in it)
- 2003-06-25 - Il software libero - Ovvero: come mai una cosa cosí pallosa come l'informatica diventa tutto d'un tratto una figata pazzesca
- 2003-04-12 - Il mondo Debian - Cos'è Debian e perché è divertente esserci in mezzo
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