Cloning popular brands of mineral water is now simpler then ever before with the updated version of the mineral water calculator! When I blogged about DIY mineral water last year it was mainly a th…
Maybe I have a hangup on soft boiled eggs, but I’m deeply fascinated by how something simple as an egg can be transformed into such a wide range of textures. I’m talking about pure eggs…
Egg cooked for 40 min at 63.0 °C. The pictures were taken within 6 seconds and are shown in the order they were taken. My immersion circulator is working again! And the first thing I decided to do …
The conic sections are the four classic geometric curves that can occur at the intersection between a cone and a plane: the circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola.
Cloning popular brands of mineral water is now simpler then ever before with the updated version of the mineral water calculator! When I blogged about DIY mineral water last year it was mainly a th…
Maybe I have a hangup on soft boiled eggs, but I’m deeply fascinated by how something simple as an egg can be transformed into such a wide range of textures. I’m talking about pure eggs…
Egg cooked for 40 min at 63.0 °C. The pictures were taken within 6 seconds and are shown in the order they were taken. My immersion circulator is working again! And the first thing I decided to do …
Il coriandolo (Coriandrum sativum), noto anche come cilantro, suo nome spagnolo, è una delle erbe aromatiche più antiche che si conoscano. Citato nella Bibbia, i suoi semi sono stati ritrovati in tombe egizie e in epoca romana era usato sia come erba medicinale che come condimento. L’uso culinario delle foglie fresche e dei semi essiccati si è poi diffuso in tutto il mondo e ora è molto utilizzato nelle cucine del Messico e dell’America Latina per preparare la tradizionale salsa che accompagna le tortillas, nel Medio Oriente e in alcuni paesi asiatici come la Tailandia e l’India per aromatizzare molte ricette.
«Writing about the first winter the men spent on the ice, Cherry-Garrard
casually mentions an astonishing lecture on scurvy by one of the expedition’s
Is there a way to avoid all that extra dough in between the cookies? (Photo: Christmas Tree Cookie Cutter from Bigstock) It should come as no surprise that food, chemistry and mathematics meet in b…