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COVID-19 Infographic Datapack, Regularly updated
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control infographics
COVID-19 Italia - Monitoraggio situazione
Tutti i numeri del coronavirus in Italia: contagiati, morti, guariti e numero di tamponi. Informazioni per regioni e province fornite dal ministero della Salute.
Real-time tracking of pathogen evolution
Our World in Data’s main page on the coronavirus pandemic is here.
Live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health.
se hai difficoltà a visualizzare il report clicca qui
Some regions report up to three times as many deaths as usual since March, but a large part of Europe has been able to live through the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic without any significant excess death.  We have gathered subnational data from 500 European regions to better understand the spread of the virus.
Chemical educator and Compound Interest blogger Andy Brunning samples the science behind ice cream and other icy treats
Cloning popular brands of mineral water is now simpler then ever before with the updated version of the mineral water calculator! When I blogged about DIY mineral water last year it was mainly a th…
Maybe I have a hangup on soft boiled eggs, but I’m deeply fascinated by how something simple as an egg can be transformed into such a wide range of textures. I’m talking about pure eggs…
Egg cooked for 40 min at 63.0 °C. The pictures were taken within 6 seconds and are shown in the order they were taken. My immersion circulator is working again! And the first thing I decided to do …
COVID-19 Infographic Datapack, Regularly updated
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control infographics
COVID-19 Italia - Monitoraggio situazione
Tutti i numeri del coronavirus in Italia: contagiati, morti, guariti e numero di tamponi. Informazioni per regioni e province fornite dal ministero della Salute.
Real-time tracking of pathogen evolution
Our World in Data’s main page on the coronavirus pandemic is here.
Live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health.
se hai difficoltà a visualizzare il report clicca qui
Some regions report up to three times as many deaths as usual since March, but a large part of Europe has been able to live through the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic without any significant excess death.  We have gathered subnational data from 500 European regions to better understand the spread of the virus.
We only use 10% of our brain. We evolved from chimps. Dairy foods increase mucous. Pfffff! These and over 45 other myths & misconceptions debunked. Interactively.
This chart shows the lexical distance — that is, the degree of overall vocabulary divergence — among the major languages of Europe. The size of each circle represents the number of speakers for tha…
Goditi tutti i video del Professor Alessandro Barbero, professore di Storia Medievale all’Università del Piemonte Orientale, in una time line interattiva ordinata cronologicamente sulla linea…
Where does methane or 'natural gas' come from? Is it a greenhouse gas? How much methane do cows produce? All these questions answered, visually.
Because thinking is hard.
Why do these things correlate? These 15 correlations will blow your mind. (Is this headline sensationalist enough for you to click on it yet?)
The Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is a conflict style inventory, which is a tool developed to measure an individual's response to conflict situations.
Carlo M. Cipolla (August 15, 1922 – September 5, 2000) was an Italian economic historian.