Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male[a] was a clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service.[1][2] The purpose of this study was to observe the natural history of untreated syphilis; the African-American men in the study were only told they were receiving free health care from the United States government.[3]
«un angelo del Signore apparve in sogno a Giuseppe e gli disse: «Alzati,
prendi con te il bambino e sua madre e fuggi in Egitto, e resta là
finché non ti avvertirò, perché Erode sta cercando il bambino per
ucciderlo». Giuseppe, destatosi, prese con sé il bambino e sua madre
nella notte e fuggì in Egitto. (*) E gli andò di stralusso, perché se
duemila anni dopo ci avesse provato fuggendo in Italia, i seguaci della
religione di suo figlio li avrebbero azziccati su un autobus a spintoni,
manifestato contro l'eterologa della mogliera, e aggessù dopo una rapida
carriera da spaccino sarebbe finito in gabbia a far risorgere i
carcerati caduti dalle scale.»
"A brawler who tattoos a message onto his knuckles does not throw every
punch with the weight of First Amendment protection behind him," the
brief stated. "Conduct like this does not constitute speech, nor should
it. A deliberate attempt to cause physical injury to someone does not
come close to the expression which the First Amendment is designed to
It’s no secret that times are changing. It used to be that men were men,
jokes were jokes, and all facts came from one white guy in a suit who you trusted
because he looked like your dad. Now I know I could get in a lot of trouble for
just saying this, but I don’t care because someone has to tell the truth: These
days, you can’t say anything racist at all without being called a racist.