religion links

«The Mortara case (Italian: caso Mortara) was an Italian cause célèbre that captured the attention of much of Europe and North America in the 1850s and 1860s. It concerned the Papal States' seizure of a six-year-old boy named Edgardo Mortara from his Jewish family in Bologna, on the basis of a former servant's testimony that she had administered an emergency baptism to the boy when he fell ill as an infant.»
Saint Guinefort was a 13th-century French dog that received local veneration as a folk saint after miracles were reported at his grave.
«The Vatican Climate Forest, to be located in the Bükk National Park, Hungary, was donated to the Vatican City by a carbon offsetting company. The forest is to be sized to offset the carbon emissions generated by the Vatican during 2007. The Vatican's acceptance of the offer, at a ceremony on July 5, 2007, was reported as being "purely symbolic", and a way to encourage Catholics to do more to safeguard the planet. No trees have been planted under the project and the carbon offsets have not materialised.»
The Missionary Church of Kopimism (in Swedish Missionerande Kopimistsamfundet), is a congregation of file sharers who believe that copying information is a sacred virtue and was founded by Isak Gerson, a 19-year-old philosophy student, and Gustav Nipe in Uppsala, Sweden in the autumn of 2010.[6] The Church, based in Sweden, has been officially recognized by the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency as a religious community in January 2012, after three application attempts.
«un angelo del Signore apparve in sogno a Giuseppe e gli disse: «Alzati, prendi con te il bambino e sua madre e fuggi in Egitto, e resta là finché non ti avvertirò, perché Erode sta cercando il bambino per ucciderlo». Giuseppe, destatosi, prese con sé il bambino e sua madre nella notte e fuggì in Egitto. (*) E gli andò di stralusso, perché se duemila anni dopo ci avesse provato fuggendo in Italia, i seguaci della religione di suo figlio li avrebbero azziccati su un autobus a spintoni, manifestato contro l'eterologa della mogliera, e aggessù dopo una rapida carriera da spaccino sarebbe finito in gabbia a far risorgere i carcerati caduti dalle scale.»